Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Little Secret & A Winner!

Let's start with the winner from the Embellish Magazine Blog Hop...Yes, even though Kim Wilson is my real life friend. This winner was completely picked at random. Congrats Kim!!!

And, I've got a little secret to share! Ok, so it's not so little at all!!! But.... I have become royalty! Seriously, my tiara will be on it's way to me very soon! :)
At the very last minute I decided to play along with the 2010 Stamping Royalty Card Contest. The postmark deadline was March 24 and on March 24 I sorted through my card stash, pulled a few of my favorites out and made my way to the post office. I remember writing up the supply list while, on a bench, at the park as my son played on the playground.

I've had a couple cards chosen, which you will be able to see (along with all the other royal winners) in the Nov/Dec Paper Crafts Issue.
Anyways, today I'm off to IKEA with the Embellish Blog Hop Winner herself... Kim Wilson. Just too funny, I had to chuckle when I opened the winner email from Ashley and saw Kim's name. Congrats again Kim!
Thanks for stopping by today, hope you all have a great day!


  1. Congrats Maile, though I'm not at all surprised that you were selected! Can't wait to see your creations!

  2. Well done to you Maile. Your style is distinctive and I always enjoy seeing the next thing you have created.

  3. Maile, so thrilled for you!


  4. congrats to Kim and congrats to you!! there is no surprise that your cards would get picked up!! =)

  5. Ummm...of course you are royalty, duh!

  6. AHHHHHHHHH! Congrats, Maile - so, so, SO happy for you! It's no surprise at all that you're Stamping Royalty - now would you like to be a Queen or a Princess? ;D
    Enjoy IKEA! Stock up on those glasss spice jars - fab for showing off your PTI Vintage Buttons!

  7. Congratulations Maile, I've known all along that you are the QUEEN of simple, knockout cards!!!

  8. Congrats Maile! Doesn't surprise me at all that you are stamping royalty! Yay! So funny you did it so last minute!

  9. Congrats! How exciting to become "Stamping Royalty" - Way to go.

  10. Congratulations!!! Well deserved. Your cards are beautiful.

  11. I am SOOOO excited for you Maile! It doesn't surprise me one bit! You are completely amazing!!!

  12. Congratulations! You totally deserve it. :)

  13. Congrats Maile!!! Do you finally realize how amazing you are now? LOL! Now you truly are card royalty ha ha!

  14. CONGRATULATIONS, Maile!! You are amazingly talented, and the recognition is so well-deserved! :)

  15. congrats, you are royalty in my book!

  16. Congratulations! SO happy for you~

  17. YAYYYY! You totally deserve to be Stamping Royalty! Congratulations! You're definitely one of my favorite stampers!

  18. Huge congrats Maille!! I can't wait to see your cards! :)

  19. Congrats Maile! But it really isn't a suprise, your work is Amazing! :)
