Sunday, January 31, 2010

Papertrey Favorites Scavenger Hunt

Hello and welcome everyone! What a pleasure it is to have you all visit me today! I have got a huge secret to share with you!! If you have come here from Nichole Heady's blog, then you already know the secret, but if not..........I have been invited to join the Papertrey Ink Design Team!!! Check it out here! First off I would like to send a huge thank you to Nichole, Jane and Julie for this opportunity! I hope I can make you all proud! Still to this day, I can hardly believe it to be true. This has been a big dream of mine for quite some time, so I thank my Lord for blessing me with the desires of my heart! I look forward to being part of the team and what an honor it will be to work with the best in the business!

So, how about I move onto some PTI business... If you are a regular here to my blog, then you know that I have a favorite PTI stamp set and that I use it often. It's no surprise that I have chose to use it for today's card...

I love this set simply because it is so versatile! It's perfect to create hand stamped pattern papers, focal images and it's so much fun to trim and layer. It's a must have in my opinion!

Here are the rules of the game:

You might have noticed that I haven't mentioned the actual NAME of my favorite Papertrey stamp set, which is the only set I used in my project today. Today's anniversary contest involves you seeking out the name of each design team members favorite set as part of a scavenger hunt. You may recognize the set instantly or you may need to do a bit of research in the Papertrey store HERE.

Each of the design team members have been assigned a number in accordance with their scavenger hunt order. You'll notice according to the graphic at the top of this post I am stop number 2. Create your numbered list and head over to Nichole's blog to enter to win ALL ELEVEN of the team's favorite stamp sets! Be sure not to delay, because the contest ends on February 2nd at 7am EST. The winners will be announced by noon the same day on the February Release Winners page. Have fun and good luck!

Designer Favorites Scavenger Hunt

  1. Erin Lincoln
  2. Maile Belles (That's me!)
  3. Betsy Veldman
  4. Dawn McVey
  5. Debbie Olson
  6. Heather Nichols
  7. Lisa Johnson
  8. Melissa Phillips
  9. Michelle Wooderson
  10. Niki Estes
  11. Kim Hughes

Thanks for stopping by today!


True Friend: (All PTI unless noted)
  • Stamps: ?
  • Ink: Raspberry Fizz & Summer Sunrise
  • Cardstock: White & Summer Sunrise
  • Accessories: Raspberry Fizz Twill Ribbon, Glitter & Fiskers Scalloped Edge Scissors


  1. Oh my gosh!!! MAILE!! I am soooooooooooo happy for you, girlie! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :)

  2. Wow Maile, what an awesome opportunity! wowza, that's amazing! Congrats! I'm so happy for you!

    Clouds :D

  3. Holy cow congrats!!! I have always said that if people didn't know they would think you have always been on the PTI DT!!! You totally rock that stamp line!! I am soooooooo excited for you!!!!

  4. Congrats on making the DT! I have never been here (your blog) before but I am DEFINITELY liking what I see. Looking forward to seeing more from you. I'm off to browse the rest of your blog...

  5. Congrats on joining the PTI design team! You must be over the moon excited, I know I would be. Can't wait to get to know you better and be inspired! :o)

  6. CONGRATS! I am so excited for you! I literally shrieked when I saw the announcement on Nichole's blog. I've been stalking your blog for a while and am in love with your style. You're a perfect fit for the team!

  7. Wow Maile! Congratulations!! That is so exciting!!

  8. Congratulations on joining the PTI Design Team! My best wishes for a fantastic year I look forward to visiting your blog.

  9. Congrats Maile! I know you will be a great asset to the team! :)

  10. Congrats sweet Maile! Well deserved! I love this!

  11. Congrats Maile! You make a wonderful addition to the team.

  12. Fabulous colors and design, Maile! Congrats on your PTI news!

  13. Maile!!! Congratulations, girl!! It was so nice to meet you and CHA and little did I know that you had this HUGE secret to tell!!!

  14. Congratulations Maile!!! Well deserved!!!!

  15. Congrats on becoming part of the PTI team! That is very exciting! Your card is beautiful...I love the glittered scallop!


  16. Congratulations on becoming part of the PTI DT, I really love your work and look forward to seeing more of it!

  17. Congrats, Maile! Love your work, you'll be a big asset in PTI's team :-)

  18. Congratulations Maile! I absolutely love your work and know that this is a match made in heaven. :) Can't wait to see your future projects featuring PTI products!

  19. dearest...CONGRATS! i'm so happy for you!! so happy for yur excitement! well deserved, that's for sure!!

  20. I'm so glad you're joining PTI! I love your style!

  21. Hai Maile, Congrats on the DT spot! I've never visited your blog before, but stopped by because of the contest. Now I'll certainly stop by more often, your work looks great! And the card in post is fabulous! Thanks for the inspiration.

  22. Congratulations, Maile! I'm so excited for you. I knew it's just a matter of time before you got this PTI position. You will do them proud, if you haven't already.

  23. Congratulations! I love your clean and simple style!!

  24. I am soo happy that you are in PTI DT now, in fact, when I discovred ur blog only few days ago I thought "she can easily be one of PTI DT members, I wish Nichol discvers her"..and now u r!! are amazingly talented and u do such beautiful projects with PTI!! I will be one of ur stalkers now..:D

  25. wow!!! HUGE congrats on the PTI DT spot!!! I knew you would be chosen sooner or later, because you just make amazing cards!!! and that's why I started stalking you! I just adore your simple style!! Way to go, girl!! so so happy for you, you soooo deserved it!! =)

  26. Congratulations for your position as DT in the PTI team.

    I love your card. And that stemp set it's on my wish list.

  27. Wow, Maile, Congratulations on your position in the DT! I think it's well deserved! I have been following your blog for some time now. Your work is amazing! It's very inspirational to me! Thanks!!

  28. Wow! Congrats to you! I look forward to seeing your creations as part of the Papertrey DT.

  29. Maile!!!! Oh my goodness! I am freaking out on your behalf!! Wow!!! YAY!!!!! Congrats! You so completely deserve it!

  30. Maile congratulations with your new DT member.
    You earned it with all your beautiful cards. This one is great again.
    Good luck with all your work

    xx Anita

  31. What Awesome News! Congratulations! And who wouldn't love this stamp set as well and I love how pretty yet very simple and classic your card looks. Nice!!

  32. OMG!!!! Congrats!!!! Your work rocks!!!! :D

  33. A huge congratulations Maile!!! I was so excited when I saw your name on Nichole's blog. I've been reading your blog for so long and just knew this was inevitable!! Seriously. Love your CAS style and can't wait to see all you do.

  34. Wow, amazing colours - stunning card. Huge congratulations on joining the PTI DT - I'm your newest follower!

    Caryn xxx

  35. WOW! Congrats Maile! You are so deserving of this! Your card is beautiful!

  36. Congrats on your new "job". I look forward to seeing all your beautiful PTI creations!

  37. OMG...this is totally fantstic news!!!


  38. Maile are you serious????? How did you keep this secret at CHA! So excited for you girl!

  39. Congratulations on your new DT position! Your beautiful card shows why you're now on this great team! Hi 5's!!

  40. Congrats on the DT spot! PTI is lucky to have you :)

  41. Congratulations on your spot on the PTI DT! I can only imagine the excitement you must've felt to be asked. (Although, I've been noticing your work for awhile and am NOT surprised!) Love this card -- the colors, the way you created the background paper. So cheery!

  42. congrats girl! You deserve it! You are gonna be my first stop during each countdown. I can't wait to see what you create!! I'm so excited for you!!

  43. Congratulations on joining the PTI team! I love clean and simple and will visit your (new to me) blog often!

  44. HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on being selected to be on the PTI DT!!! I'm not at all surprised, LOVE LOVE LOVE your clean, simple, stunning designs!

  45. Congratulations!!! What happy news! I love this set - one of my favs!

  46. Congrats to you Maile on becoming part of a great team. Love your card and your color selections.
    - Debbie K.

  47. Congrats girlie! You deserve it! You've been using their products for sometimes and showcase them well. You'll do awesome!!

  48. I have so often admired your fabulous creations. Congratulations on becoming part of the PTI DT. Love your style and looking forward to seeing lots more!

  49. You know I am not surprised at all! ;o) Congratulations Maile, it's going to be and exciting year for you! Glad to see all of the blessings that have come your way lately.

  50. oh happy day Maile!!!!! So exciting!!! Can't wait to see all your fabulous PTI cards!!!!!!!!!

  51. Congratulations!!!! I love your style and I know that you will fit right in with the other PTI girls!! Can't wait to see more of your wonderful creations!:) Your card is beautiful too by the way:)

  52. I have recently found your blog through Papertrey Ink's Guest Star Stamper contests. I really admire your clean and fresh style. I am excited to see all you will create as a Papertrey Ink design team member. Congratulations on becoming part of such an incredible company.

  53. I'll say it again, ;-), CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

    You will SHINE with your amazing talent... What an asset you will be to the PTI team. So flippin excited for you, girly!!!!

    *Major hugs!!!!*

  54. WOW, congrats!! I've been following your blog for awhile now, and although I don't get to comment very much...I just wanted to stop and tell you how wonderful you joined the PTI team. Your style is perfect for them! How wonderful!

  55. Maile....oh my goodness!!! Such wonderful news. Congratulations my dear! Well-deserved. I'm so happy I got to meet you at CHA.

  56. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! OMG how did you manage to keep that secret so well - I'd want to scream it out to the world! Well you can now I guess! So happy for you - to be on the PTI DT would be a dream come true for me so I can really imagine you're on CLOUD 9!

  57. Love your card and the colors. Thanks for sharing.

    Linda D.

  58. Love your card! The colors are so pretty. Congrats on the design team!

  59. Congratulations on the PTI design team!! That is so awesome, can't wait to see your stuff!! Your card today is gorgeous, love that floral background you created!

  60. Congratulations Maile! I visit your blog quite often, although I don't always comment, & have wondered if the PTI girls knew about you! You'll be a great addition to the DT :D

  61. Congratulations and look forward to following you with everyone else on PTI... Love you creations...


  62. Congrats! I love to see PTI in your creations!

  63. Love your card. Congrats on your new position.

  64. AAAHHH!!! I KNEW IT! I just knew she'd snap you go girl!! Congrats!

  65. Maile I can't imagine a more perfect fit than you and PTI. I'm so thrilled for you and can't wait to see what you inspire us with!! Every time I've seen your work I've literally been blown away. Your style speaks to me on so many levels and I really hope I can pick up some design tips to be able to improve my own work!!

    Congratulations once again!!

  66. Such a beautiful card and good luck on the DT. :)

  67. Yeah and congratulations!! I am totally not surprised because you have PTI DT written all over your awesome creations!! Can't wait to see what you create on the DT!!!!

  68. This is definitely your calling! Congratulations!

  69. Wow Maile what an awesome opportunity! Congrats!

  70. Congrats, Maile!! And I have to say, I am not too surprised! I have been following your wonderful work ever since I discovered it last year in one of those challenges. I'm SO happy for you!

  71. If you could find hard to believe being on PTI team, you should have asked me, because I was SURE this is where you would be one day. I has to be legally blind to not see that you fit in there like a glove! CONGRATS, I am so happy and proud of you. You are an inspiration to me all around.

  72. Hi miss famous! I feel like a terrible friend. I'm sorry I haven't left you any comments lately. And HOLY COW GIRL! SERIOUSLY, PAPERTREY'S DESIGN TEAM???? LUCKY!! Seriously, that is too awesome!! So what all does that mean? What will you be designing, stamps or just using their stamps and doing cards, or both??? DO tell me the details... that is when you have time for little ol me. I'm sure you're busy as a beaver these days!
    I do miss you... sometimes I wonder if there is anyone out there that cares about me anymore... "wipes tears away"... "sucks up self pity.. regains poise". So anyhoo, CONGRATULATIONS girly! You of course deserve it and really it's no surprise as we all know what a gem you are and how amazing your designs are! ;-) I would give you a big hug if I was there! and a little jumping up and down and squealing with excitement with you!! hehe!!
    Email me when you can!! PLEASE!!! Miss you and love ya!!

  73. By the way... I love your card!!! Duhhh... I love those colors together. Maybe you should send me this card!! Hahaha!
