Monday, December 7, 2009

Hero Arts Holiday Tag Challenge

Hello my friends! Hope you had a great weekend. I was finally able to put up our Christmas decorations and tree on Saturday. I plan on sharing some photos with you soon. Today, I am waiting for some snow! My town is under a sever winter storm warning and there's talk of a lot of snow. Just trying not to get my hopes up too much in case nothing much happens.

The last challenge over at the Hero Arts blog was to create Holiday Tags. I really enjoy making tags so I couldn't pass the challenge up. Here is what I came up with... I went with an unusual but fun Christmas color combo of: Spring Moss, Aqua Mist, Melon Berry and Gray. I kept them super simple by stamping and cutting out an image (from Winter Swirls), stamping a sentiment (from Hero Arts Holiday Messages) over the stamped image and the tag, then attach the image with dimensional adhesive. Finished the tag off with satin ribbon tied to the top with embroidery floss.

Here is the Melon Berry tag, with a snowflake button...
Here is the Aqua Mist tag, with an ornament hung from embroidery floss...
Lastly is the Spring Moss tag, embellished with a rhinestone star topped tree...
Well, thanks for stopping in today. Hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful start to your week.


Merry Christmas Tags: (All PTI unless noted)
  • Stamps: Winter Swirls & Hero Arts Holiday Messages
  • Ink: Melon Berry, Aqua Mist, Spring Moss & Gray
  • Cardstock: White
  • Accessories: Melon Berry, Aqua Mist & Spring Moss Satin Ribbon, DMC Embroidery Floss, Snowflake Button, Rhinestone Star & Creative Memories Tag Punch.


  1. So CUTE!! LOVE the satin ribbon images and colors! Happy Snow Day to you...I have never seen snow being a Florida girl...Merry Christmas!!

  2. These are so pretty! Love the colors, the layout, the ribbons.

  3. So stylish and sophisticated, can't wait to see some pics of your tree. Making me so jelous - I LOVE snow :D

  4. so simple and elegant!! beautiful tags!!

  5. Fabulous colors ... love these classy tags.

  6. Hey Maile. Cutest tags ever!

    You are excited about snow? Where do you live? We had so much snow Friday we were pretty much snowed in for 2 days. Sadly 5 houses burnt to the ground Friday night because the snow plows and fire trucks could not get to them. I kid you not. How horrible is that?

    Why do I tend to leave mini stories on your blog when I

  7. Very cute. Love the colours you chose to use especially that Melon Berry. The dimension is wonderful!

  8. CONGRATS on ALL Gazzillion of your publications in Jan's issue of CARDS :)

  9. ohhh, I need to get that punch. I am loving these little clean and simple cuties!!

  10. I like your tags!! especially the aqua tree decoration one!!
